Dance Teachers invited to Rambert School for free Rambert Grades taster


Rambert Grades and Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance are hosting a free Teachers’ Day on Wednesday 26th July from 10am - 4pm.

In in-person introduction

Dance teachers are invited to Rambert School’s premises in Richmond, Twickenham for a day-long introduction to Rambert Grades.

Teachers’ Day includes opportunities to observe Rambert School summer course classes to provide insight into the Rambert School ethos and an opportunity to experience the Rambert Grades creative contemporary dance syllabus in a short taster workshop.

About Rambert Grades: Dance training grounded in professional practice

Offering two syllabi with eleven grades structured from Creative Movers to Grade 8, Rambert Grades offers dance training which is carefully designed to ensure students from all backgrounds gain the skills and knowledge to unleash their creative force, become brave enough to engage, take personal responsibility and push themselves.

Whilst Grades 1-8 are structured around three strands, Technical, Performance and Creative, Creative Movers, Pre-Primary and Primary are designed to encourage creativity through movement with ages 3+.


Teachers who train to deliver Rambert Grades are taught to promote a safe environment where physical explorations can exist without rigidity, yet with focus, discipline and collaboration. Students are seen as individuals and encouraged to express their ideas and discover their voices.

Register for Teachers’ Day

Wednesday 26th July 2023
10am - 4pm

Rambert School, Clifton Lodge, St. Margarets Drive Twickenham, TW1 1QN

Cost: Free

Creative Movers. Image by Jack Thomson.

Image by Nicole Guarino.