Booking opens for workshop: Hofesh Shechter Fundamentals


Booking has opened for online workshop exploring the fundamentals of choreographer Hofesh Shechter’s movement language

Led by members of Hofesh Shechter Company

Friday 24th March 2023
9.30am-11am (UK)
Online workshop

FREE for Rambert Grades members
£19.99 for non members

Rambert Grades are delighted to host members of Hofesh Shechter Company for an essential online workshop. As Hofesh Shechter is a Rambert Grades Invited Choreographers who has created eight solos for the syllabus, we are pleased to offer this opportunity to both members and the wider public.

Led by Hofesh Shechter Company Rehearsal Director Frédéric Despierre, this online session will cover the fundamental principles of Hofesh's movement language, through exploring improvisation tasks accompanied by rich visual imagery - both key aspects of Hofesh's process.

Assisted by company dancer Zee Zunnur, the session also gives participants the opportunity to explore recent company repertoire. Putting these principles into action to enrich understanding of Hofesh's style, participants will discover deeper layers within the repertoire.

We are delighted to offer this workshop to both members and the public. Physicial participation is encouraged.

Hofesh Shechter is a Rambert Grades Invited Choreographer, and has created eight highly physical solos for Grades 1-8 of the Rambert Grades syllabus.

“We’re in the business of inspiring people. I want to change lives, like my life was changed.”
– Hofesh Shechter

All are welcome to join this workshop. It starts at 9.30am UK time, so is suitable for participants across the globe from the UK/Ireland to Australia/NZ.

Rambert Grades members may attend this workshop for free by finding their discount code in the members area.